Zeitime Media


Media Productions, that speak for you

Film Production

About the art of Filmmaking

"Film production is like composing a symphony of images, sounds and emotions that transport the audience to another world."



… we include it for free. For every project, whether small, large, or beyond good and evil.

Because Zeitime Media sees itself as a mediator, or rather a link, in the communication between companies and their target audience. Whether the "target audience" is employees, apprentices, customers or consumers, we help simplify communication, make it more accessible, and overcome barriers.

We "translate" your interests into a language that your target audience understands. And in doing so, we rely on telling stories that leave a lasting impression. 

In other words: we communicate what matters most to you!

Corporate & Product Videos

Image films are an effective way to showcase the value and identity of your company.

By combining visual elements, music, and text, image films can evoke emotions and convey your message in an engaging manner. They allow potential customers to gain an authentic insight into your company and build trust.

A well-designed image film can strengthen your brand, highlight your unique selling points, and impress your target audience. 

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Azubi bei New Albea

Recruiting Films

Recruiting films are a fantastic way to engage potential applicants for your company and strengthen your employer branding.

Mit pfiffigen Ideen in der Umsetzung, zeigen Sie, dass Ihnen das Thema Mitarbeiter wichtig ist und drücken auf kreative Art und Weise aus, was Bewerber bei Ihrem Unternehmen erwarten können. Aber nicht nur die Benefits, auch was Sie von potentiellen Kandidaten erwarten, wird durch die audio-visuelle Ebene subtil angedeutet.

Recruiting films allow potential applicants to gain insight into the work environment, team dynamics, and values of your company. A well-designed recruiting film can strengthen your employer brand, attract qualified applicants, and foster identification with your company.

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Portraits für Kreative

  • Audiovisuelle Vorstellung des Künstlers und seiner Arbeit
  • Alles Wichtige für Journalisten, Blogger, Kuratoren, Galeristen,
    Veranstalter und Fans in einem Video
  • Auf natürliche Art und Weise mit Persönlichkeit punkten
  • Mit eigenen Worten ausdrücken, was einem am Herzen liegt
  • Fans können direkt und lebhaft in die Welt des Künstlers eintauchen
  • Medien Vertreter erfahren alles alles Wissenswerte über den Künstler
  • Transkript des Videos macht es Joulrnalisten einfach Berichte oder Reviews zu schreiben
  • Einfacher und barrierefreier Content erhöht die Chance gesehen und gehört zu werden.
  • Kurzclips aus dem Video sind ideal für Social Media Formate

„Let me Introduce Myself“ –> ganzen Artikel lesen

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Music Videos

As a passionate video producer and musician, creating music videos is something very special to me. 

My goal is to produce unique and captivating music videos that capture the essence of the song and captivate the viewers. I place great importance on visual aesthetics and ensure that each video has its own individual touch.

Whether it's a live performance video, a storytelling video, or an experimental project - I am flexible and open to new challenges. 

My approach is characterized by professionalism, creativity, and a high standard of quality. I work with a talented team of cameramen, editors, and special effects experts to achieve impressive results.

Knowing from my own experience that life as a musician is not always filled with riches, I can also execute projects in a budget-friendly manner without compromising on creativity and enjoyment.

So if you're looking for a dedicated and creative video producer to showcase your music in the "right light," you've come to the right place. Feel free to contact me for more information or to discuss ideas.

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How To Videos & Tutorials

(german & english)

are perfect for documenting recurring work processes and making them available to employees, apprentices, or substitutes in video format.
Even complex processes (whether carried out manually or by software) can clearly be displayed and explained.

In the same way, content can also be presented to customers. Most products or services greatly benefit from visual assistance and also serve as barrier-free access. Additionally, this positions oneself as an expert in the field and builds trust with customers and business partners.


Cameraman for Hire

Are you looking for a cameraman who brings your visions to life? Then you've come to the right place!

As a cameraman, I offer you my expertise and passion for visual design. With my creative eye, I capture your moments, stories, and projects in impressive images.

Whether it's for film productions, commercials, events, or other projects - I am at your service. 

I look forward to working with you and transforming your visions into moving pictures.
